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Sjoerd Lemmen,
      anything is possible...


Here you can find all everything related posts. Clicking read more will take you to the full story.

2015-07-23 - EFF April 2015

We, as in my girlfriend, my family and I visit the Elf Fantasy Fair twice a year. The first fair was this year from the 25th till 26th of April. Read more...

2015-07-09 - SQL Bulk import pictures in Exact

I used the following code to import a bulk of pictures and link them directly to a product within Exact Globe Next. Y:\ is a mapped directory on de SQL server. You uncomment print @sql to print out any sql errors. [code] USE [exact administration] DECLARE @itemcode varchar(max) DECLARE image_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT ItemCode FROM Items WHERE IsSalesItem = 1 AND syscreated > '2013-01-01' OPEN image_cursor; FETCH NEXT FROM image_cursor INTO @itemcode; WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @clean VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @imagePath VARCHAR(255) DECLARE @image VARCHAR(255) SET @image = RTRIM(LTRIM(@itemcode)) + '.jpg' SET @imagePath = 'Y:\' + @image SET @sql = 'UPDATE Items SET Picture = (SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK ''' + @imagePath + ''', SINGLE_BLOB) AS img), PictureFileName=''' + @image + ''' WHERE ItemCode = ''' + @itemcode + '''' --PRINT @sql BEGIN EXEC(@sql) END FETCH NEXT FROM image_cursor INTO @itemcode; END CLOSE image_cursor; DEALLOCATE image_cursor; SELECT ItemCode, Picture, PictureFilename FROM Items WHERE Picture IS NOT NULL [/code] Read more...

2015-03-31 - Site rewrited to Smarty

Hey fellow internet traveler, Finally I had some spare time to check and see if I could rewrite some code. Read more...

2015-03-09 - Steampunk Hat

After a few hours of work I have finally completed my steampunk hat. Hope you like it. [header]Pictures[/header] [img=55] [img=56] Read more...

2015-03-06 - Computer Maintenance Script

Hey reader, Download defraggler and ccleaner portable versions. Put them on a network location and change to the network location. Read more...

2014-09-03 - Unlimited depth menu

Here is what I use for the creation of a menu with unlimited depth, which can be styled with css as you like. Enjoy the code! Read more...

2014-08-19 - Steampunk backpack part 3

The last part of the backpack construction/painting. Although for now. Since Steampunk tinkerer's never stop with there outfit. [header]Patinating the whole[/header] Patinate is a process you could use to make something look old or antique. [img=42] [header]Finished[/header] [img=43] [img=44] This is how it looks with all the meters and gizmo's attached to it. Read more...

2014-08-19 - Steampunk oculus first attempt

Since I'm a glasswearer and contacts don't agree with me. They make my eye's itch. Read more...

2014-08-19 - Elf Fantasy Fair 2014 Haarzuilens

After quite some tinkering and scaveging for parts. We put our costumes together, packed it in the car and went on our way to the fair. [img=53] [img=54] We all had a great time showing our costumes. Read more...

2014-08-11 - Powershell SQL Batch requests per sec

At work I'm responsible for anything that runs on electricity. And thus also our SQL Server. Read more...

2014-07-26 - Twitch TV Arcanious

Check down below what i'm streaming. Enjoy! [twitch=arcanious]

2014-07-26 - My Youtube Channel

This is my youtube channel [a=https://www.youtube.com/user/toet1985/videos]link[/a]. It currently has video's about steampunk, halo destiny beta and many more. Read more...

2013-07-24 - Database class

This is my database class, which I use to fetch my queries and results. Let me know if you use it. Read more...

2013-07-11 - SQL Queries

For my current job I get to develop a lot of SQL queries to pull all sorts of data from a ERP-program called Exact. Would you like it if I posted some custom reports or queries that I build? [a=../contact]Contact me here[/a]. Read more...

2013-07-11 - Movie Database

This subdomain site allows me to collect movies, so when I go and buy one. Read more...

2013-07-11 - Visitor tracking

The name says it all. Visitor tracking. I took a swing add it. However as you may know Google Analytics is the more obvious choice. Read more...

2014-03-10 - Steampunk backpack part 2

We started spray painting the backpack but first we made some holes for the gauges. Read more...

2014-03-05 - Titanfall

Titanfall is a multiplayer shooter for exlusive for Xbox One and PC. After playing the beta-event I got really interested in this game. Read more...

2014-03-04 - Steampunk backpack part 1

For the upcoming Elf Fantasy Fair, my girlfriend and I will cosplay with a Steampunk theme. Read more...

2014-01-21 - Trim empty rows from results

I've had the problem that my pagination was adding empty rows until $RowsPerPage condition was met. However using this code to "cut-off" empty results that are being return through a mysql_fetch_array command, I was able to solve this problem. [code] if (!trim($row[$i]))continue; [/code] Read more...

2014-01-08 - Wildstar

This game entered it's Free-2-Play model. Check out the trailer below. [yt=de-FaasdmJM] Read more...