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Sjoerd Lemmen,
      anything is possible...


Here you can find all sql related posts. Clicking read more will take you to the full story.

2015-07-09 - SQL Bulk import pictures in Exact

I used the following code to import a bulk of pictures and link them directly to a product within Exact Globe Next. Y:\ is a mapped directory on de SQL server. You uncomment print @sql to print out any sql errors. [code] USE [exact administration] DECLARE @itemcode varchar(max) DECLARE image_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT ItemCode FROM Items WHERE IsSalesItem = 1 AND syscreated > '2013-01-01' OPEN image_cursor; FETCH NEXT FROM image_cursor INTO @itemcode; WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @clean VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @imagePath VARCHAR(255) DECLARE @image VARCHAR(255) SET @image = RTRIM(LTRIM(@itemcode)) + '.jpg' SET @imagePath = 'Y:\' + @image SET @sql = 'UPDATE Items SET Picture = (SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK ''' + @imagePath + ''', SINGLE_BLOB) AS img), PictureFileName=''' + @image + ''' WHERE ItemCode = ''' + @itemcode + '''' --PRINT @sql BEGIN EXEC(@sql) END FETCH NEXT FROM image_cursor INTO @itemcode; END CLOSE image_cursor; DEALLOCATE image_cursor; SELECT ItemCode, Picture, PictureFilename FROM Items WHERE Picture IS NOT NULL [/code] Read more...

2013-07-11 - SQL Queries

For my current job I get to develop a lot of SQL queries to pull all sorts of data from a ERP-program called Exact. Would you like it if I posted some custom reports or queries that I build? [a=../contact]Contact me here[/a]. Read more...